Information for Residents

Curbside Collection in Snow & Ice Events

Curbside collection may not be possible during snow & ice events. If such an event occurs, residents are usually able to put out twice the amount of materials on their normal pickup day in the following week.

How You Can Help During Winter Weather

What you can do to help during a winter weather event.

Information for Seniors

Clearing snow from driveways and sidewalks can be a huge challenge for seniors. Some helpful information for seniors is provided here.

School Closures

School District 33 Chilliwack is responsible for deciding whether or not to close schools during winter events. Information on school closures is disseminated from the school district through their website, local radio, and television.

Snow Angels Needed!

The Seniors' Resources Society, in cooperation with the City of Chilliwack, is seeking volunteers to assist seniors and disabled persons who may need help during winter snowfall events.

Sports Field Closures

During the winter, sports fields may need to be closed for safety and maintenance reasons. Find out if fields are open here.

Tire Requirements for Hillside Roads During Snow Events

Information about the bylaw requiring vehicles to be equipped with winter rated tires if driving on hillside roads during winter storm events when those roads are snow/ice covered.

Helpful Links

You may have a variety of questions and concerns during the winter months. Some useful links are provided here to help you prepare for winter events and emergencies.