Swimming Pool Draining

When summer rolls to an end, please drain your pool or spa water responsibly.

Chlorine, bromine, algaecides, salt and other products used to keep pool and spa water clear and clean can also be harmful to the environment if handled improperly. While great for pools and spas, in sufficient concentrations, these chemicals are toxic to aquatic life so pool water should never be drained to local creeks, streams or other watercourses.

Did you know that if you are draining your swimming pool or spa into the storm drain, you could be harming your local creek?

The City’s “Storm Sewer System Connection and Regulation Bylaw 1995, No. 2231” prohibits toxic substances that are hazardous to aquatic life from being discharged into the storm sewer system.

Here are two options you can choose from to drain your pool responsibly:

Option 1: Drain your pool water onto your lawn

Swimming pool water can be drained onto your lawn, but it must remain on your property until it evaporates or soaks into the ground.

Option 2: Discharge your pool water into the City’s sanitary sewer system

Swimming pool water may be discharged directly into the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer system carries the wastewater to the Wastewater Treatment Plant for removal of harmful pollutants.

  • Use a pump and hose to drain pool water into plumbing fixtures connected to the City’s sanitary sewer system.
  • Seek the advice of a licensed plumber concerning the appropriate connections and flow rate for pumping and discharging the water.
  • Be prepared to call a plumber immediately if draining the pool causes a back up to the sewer system.
  • Do not direct pool water discharge to a private septic system.
  • When washing pool filters, discharge the wash water to the sanitary sewer system. Depending on the type of filter, it might be as appropriate to throw the used filter in the trash for solid waste disposal.