Bid / Tenders

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2023-02: 2023 Culvert Rehabilitation Back
Closing Information
Successful Bidder:
Bidder: Accura Grade
Bid Value: $168,805.10
All Bidders:
Bidder: 651432 BC LTD dba Universal Construction
Bid Value: $290,191.37
Bidder: Accura Grade
Bid Value: $168,805.10
Bidder: Blackline Site Works Ltd.
Bid Value: $292,878.60
Bidder: Earthstone Excavating
Bid Value: $209,661.34
Bidder: Klondike Contracting Corp
Bid Value: $318,720.15
Bidder: Landmark Solutions Ltd
Bid Value: $387,541.35
Bidder: McDonald & Ross Const. Ltd.
Bid Value: $365,066.10
Bidder: Strohmaier Excavating (2019) Ltd.
Bid Value: $281,990.58
Bidder: Strohmaier Excavating (2019) Ltd.
Bid Value: $281,990.58
Bidder: Strohmaier Excavating (2019) Ltd.
Bid Value: $281,990.58
Bidder: Summit Earthworks Inc.
Bid Value: $449,400.00
Bidder: Timbro Contracting (A Partnership)
Bid Value: $401,010.15
Bid Information

To supply all labour, materials and equipment for two culvert rehabilitation projects, including removal and replacement of one 1050mm diameter concrete culvert crossing on Sinclair Road, and installation of a Mechanically  Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall on an existing culvert on Ford Road, as stated in the Tender document.

March 22, 2023 3:00 PM


Kristian Biela
Project Manager
604-792-9311 ext. 5069
[email protected]
Attached Documents
Description Category Format Size
2023 Culvert Rehabilitation Tender Adobe Acrobat 7,988KB
Clarification No. 1 Clarification Adobe Acrobat 369KB
Clarification 2 Clarification Adobe Acrobat 86KB
*To view bid documents, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine.