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2023 Utilities Nonlinear Upgrades Predesign Back
Closing Information
AE, Urban Systems, and Stantec moving on to RFP stage
Bid Information

The objective of this project is to consult with the City of Chilliwack operations and engineering staff to collect accurate and relevant information to support the subsequent assessment and design tasks. The City of Chilliwack requires preliminary designs to assist in capital planning of construction and replacement for components of the City’s Water Distribution System including a new concrete reservoir on Chilliwack Mountain (Zone 1), steel reservoir replacement of the Marble Hill (Zone 2) concrete reservoir, and replacement of the below ground Sunrise Drive PRV with an above ground PRV. The 2023 Utilities Nonlinear Upgrades Predesign will include collecting accurate survey data, conducting geotechnical survey including test pits to a depth suitable for the construction, providing Class “C” Life Cycle cost estimates for each pre-design, and preparing preliminary plans and layout drawings of the project locations so that the City can provide this information to engineering consultants involved in the design of future utilities nonlinear upgrade project. The successful Consultant will provide the City with all the technical information necessary to establish a budget for future capital project(s) and make an informed decision about the preferred alternative to provide adequate flexibility, redundancy and reliability during emergency or planning shutdowns.

August 23, 2023 3:00 PM


Luke Sun
Senior Engineering Technologist
[email protected]
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2023 Utilities Nonlinear Upgrades Predesign RFEI Adobe Acrobat 555KB
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